Learn how to solve Trigonometric Equations using degrees and radians presented in various formats

Trigonometric equations come in many shapes and sizes. Some use degrees, some radians. Some need a calculator, some use exact values. Students often find it challenging to distinguish the different types. Categorising these equations is the key to applying the correct technique to solve them. In this video, I present examples of some of the common types you may see. Any questions about this video drop us a message HERE.

Key Points

The key to Trig Equations is good fundamental Trig skills. These include the CAST diagram, trig exact values, and working with radians

Some solutions to trig equations are best taken off the graph of the trig function

Trig equations often have to be factorised so be sure to equate to zero 

Keep an eye on the allowed range of values for solutions to be sure you include all solutions but don’t go outside of the range

Learn more about our TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS course here