Completing the Square

Completing the Square

Learn how to write Quadratic Expressions in Completed Square form Quadratic expressions can be written in different formats for different purposes. The completed square form can be used for particular purposes, but sometimes it’s just a stand-alone algebra...
Differentiation Power Rule

Differentiation Power Rule

Learn how to use The Power Rule for Differentiation with functions which are not in the correct format  The Power Rule for Differentiation is the first technique that most students learn in Calculus. Generally they take to this rule with no problems. However, when...
Max / Min Function Values

Max / Min Function Values

Learn how to find maximum & minimum values of a function on a closed interval FollowFollowFollow Finding the maximum or minimum values of a function on a closed interval (sometimes referred to as finding ‘local extrema’) is a common application of...
Curve Sketching

Curve Sketching

Learn Curve Sketching using Calculus techniques. A common application of derivatives. FollowFollowFollow Curve sketching allows us to see the graph of a function which can help understand its nature. Curve sketching can be easily performed using a graphing utility....