Solving equations online

Solving Equations

The Solving Equations online course helps you develop key algebra techniques and then solve various types of equation. Equations are how solutions to Math problems are presented so this is a key skill for all Math courses. Master equations now and make all future Math courses easier. View our classroom with this PREVIEW or learn more below and start your Solving Equations COURSE ACCESS.

Solving Linear Equations
Solving Equations With Fractions

Who is the Solving Equations Online Course For?

Solving equations is unquestionably one of the most important Math skills, so the sooner students master these techniques the better. This course is perfect for solving equation beginners. However, the more challenging question types will require students to have taken Algebra 1, or a similar course. View the CLASSROOM.

What Does the Solving Equations Online Course Cover?

The topics in the Solving Equations curriculum are Algebraic Expressions, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Polynomial Equations, Systems of Equations, Inequations. Learn these topics for the first time or review when needed with our on-demand videos – basically like having your own Algebra 1 tutor 24/7. View the full Solving Equations online course SYLLABUS.

What Will I Learn in This Course?

Students will firstly learn the algebra techniques required to solve a range of equation types and then solve the equations themselves. These skills are foundational for all subsequent Math courses in Pre-Calculus & Calculus. Students learn key techniques and common question types from our step by step instructional videos and then practice using our carefully designed PDF worksheets.

How Does Solving Equations Compare to Algebra 1?

Certainly, there is some cross-over between Algebra 1 and Solving Equations. However, whereas Algebra 1 covers a range of algebra techniques, Solving Equations focuses only on the algebra require for solving equations. Algebra 1 is a particularly great pre-requisite for Solving Equations. Learn more about ALGEBRA 1.

What’s Next?

Although Solving Equations could be considered a stand-alone course, it teaches techniques which are a good foundation for Algebra 2 and mastering these will make all subsequent Math courses easier.

Algebra to Pre-Calculus Course Bundle

Access all 6 courses in the bundle ALGEBRA TO PRECALCULUS to easily review older topics or jump ahead. These courses are designed to work together and will help students master key Algebra and Trigonometry skills while getting ready for Calculus. The courses included are Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Solving Equations, Trigonometry and Precalculus.