Increasing Functions

Increasing Functions

Learn how to show that a function is always increasing using its derivative In simple terms, to say that a function is increasing or decreasing means that the graph is sloping up or down. Slope is measured by gradient which is associated with derivatives. So...
Logarithmic Equations

Logarithmic Equations

Learn how to solve equations which contain logarithms Equations which contain logarithms may seem intimidating at first. But, with some experience, are actually quite straight-forward. The key to solving an equation with logarithms is to get rid of the logarithm. That...
Collinear Points

Collinear Points

Learn how to show that three points lie in a line (collinear) using vectors Showing that three points lie in a straight line (i.e. collinear) is a straight-forward process. It can be achieved using gradients or vectors. In this video I explain the vector method which...
Areas & Definite Integrals

Areas & Definite Integrals

Definite Integrals and the Area Under a Curve A common integral Calculus problem is to find the area under a curve – and also the area between curves. In fact, this is often the first application of integrals that students learn. Finding such an area is...